
Sanctuary Retreat Days

We are thrilled to introduce our new series of Sanctuary Retreat Days, hosted by Simon Gudgeon and Tracey Boast. These special retreat days are designed to provide you with a peaceful escape, allowing you to reconnect with yourself and restore your inner balance.


10am – Arrival tea/coffee


10.30 – 11.30am – Qigong

Our session will start with a gentle Qigong movement practise by the lake to relax & energise the body. Our seasonal Qiflow practise includes breathwork, self massage, healing sounds and mindfulness in motion through moving mediation. We will connect back to nature by working with the elements around and within us to bring us back to a state of harmony and balance.

This gentle practise is an invitation to connect body mind and breath, preparing you to receive the full benefits of nurturing & healing Sound Bath.

All props are provided, and no experience is needed.


11.30 – 12.15 Yoga Nidra relaxation

We invite you to settle into this gorgeous retreat space and get cosy in your Yoga Nidra nest as Tracey guides you into a deep state of relaxation. Finding ease & stillness you will experience alpha & theta brainwave state sometimes referred to as Yogic sleep. This fully guided practise will prepare body, mind and soul to receive fully the healing benefits of a full sound therapy experience.


1pm – Lunch


2pm – Walking meditation


2.45pm – Sound bath

Sound enters the healing equation from several directions: It may alter cellular functions through energetic effects; it may entrain biological systems to function more homeostatically; it may becalm the mind and therefore the body; or it may have emotional effects, which influence neurotransmitters and neuropeptides, which in turn help to regulate the immune system—the healer within.


4pm – Finish


This experience is limited to 15 people per day.

Reserve your place here: