
May 18, 2022

FORM 2022 – Meet the Artists, Part III

In this third instalment of our blog mini-series ‘Meet the Artists’ we’d like to introduce you to four more sculptors with works now showing at Sculpture by the Lakes during FORM 2022.

Read on to discover a little more about the artists and their sculptures – and then make sure you plan your visit before FORM draws to a close on May 29 while these pieces are still on show.

David Williams Ellis

David’s sculptures are notable for their classical balance and poise, and sense of movement and vitality; it is this powerful energy that lifts his work beyond the ornamental and gives it its definitive contemporary edge.

Having sought classical training in Florence, Davide travelled across Britain sculpting commissioned portraits as well as exhibiting internationally. His biggest project to date, the D-Day Sculpture, was unveiled in Normandy by the President of France and the Prime Minister in June 2019.

David’s life size figurative bronze, Diana the Huntress, is one of the first sculptures you’ll meet on entering the park – but hurry, as she is leaving as soon as FORM 2022 closes on Sunday 29th May.


Lucianne Lassalle

Born in Paris in 1960, Lucianne has always made sculpture. She grew up in a bohemian, artistic environment; her mother a potter, her father a painter, and her aunt, Sylvette David, a muse for Picasso in 1953. Now living in Bristol, the impact of the city can be felt in her recent work, streaming a flow of urban realities, and reflecting on street culture and the vulnerabilities and vibrancy of the city. By grafting urban myths to the archetypes of ancient mythologies, she bridges the gap between. Lucianne’s works can be seen in the Gallery, Sculpture courtyard and garden.


Sasha Constable

Sasha Constable comes from generations of artists and has lived and worked in Cambodia, where she was a key figure in the development of the contemporary art scene.

She has created monumental sculptures through the ‘Peace Art’ movement, transforming weapons of war into sculptural expressions of peace.

Now based in Dorset, Sasha is working on a new series of sculptures inspired by political, environmental, and social themes, using a variety of materials from bronze to soapstone. Sasha’s intimate pieces are displayed in the Gallery – and look out for the hidden faces in the Four Seasons and Seadogs in The Retreat.



John Davey

Investigating the journey of formation, John’s sculptures are inspired by nature, man-made shapes and the mastery of the ancients, along with the sea and landscapes of the Jurassic Coast. You can see his works gracing the north bank of North Lake, their forms echoing curves of pebbles, beaches, and fossils along with the geology and geometry of the quarries of Portland.

John works with wood and stone, and through carving and construction – the essence of sculpture – finds an emotional and tactile feeling of creation and transition into form.


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